Monday, April 15, 2024

Intro To Ed Field Experience: Mrs. Barker- Day 3

 I have been observing in the Southside Middle School. The class I am in was Mrs. Barkers 6th Grade Literacy Class. 

One thing I really liked about the whole class was that everyone was respectful. For example, teachers and students in the classroom were all using manners. No one in the class was disrespectful. I like that Mrs. Barker has that engraved in her classroom and all the students respect it very well. 

Another thing I favorited about Mrs. Barker's whole class was that everyone was willing to answer, even if they thought they was wrong. On this day, the board said to "try your best". I feel as if most of all students that day was trying their best and they was confident enough to share thoughts and answers.

One method I liked about Mrs. Barker was that she always has the class expectation on the board. She changes this out every week, so every week the class expectation is different. When the students walk into the class room they already know to look at the expectations for the week. Mrs. Barkers reads the expectations and has the class discuss what it means and how they class can work on the expecations. 

Another method I liked about Mrs. Barker is that she tries to change things up. This was my third day and they have did something different every single time. Today they had to read a book and then talk to their neighbor about what they read. Mrs. Barker does this so they can recall what they read in a different manner and then take their test. 

Mrs. Barkers class had a lot of good conversations going in her classroom on this day, and that is what she strives for, for her students to communicate with one another. 

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Intro to Ed: Make-Up Day 4 & 5

Day 1:  Day 2: